Japanese TV to feature Lathrop Communities

TVQ, a Japanese television company, conducted interviews and shot footage at the Lathrop retirement communities in Easthampton and Northampton, on Wednesday, Aug. 20, for a two-part educational program to be broadcast in Japan in September.

Japan has what is referred to as a super aging population — over 30% of Japanese are over 60 years old, and Japan has the longest life expectancy of all major economies. Faced with these demographic facts, Japan is struggling to understand the best way to enhance the lives of so many older adults and is eager to study retirement communities in the U.S. to find appropriate models that may be emulated.

Lathrop, with its devotion to environmental and social responsibility, and whose residents are committed to intellectual and artistic enrichment, is very intriguing to TVQ. The fact that Lathrop residents are directly involved in the governance and strategic planning of their community has also attracted the attention of the television producer.

The Springfield Republican newspaper posted a story about the visit by the Japanese TV crew, along with a photo, on its MassLive website. Click here to see that posting.