Feb. 4, 2021 (Town of Ithaca, New York) — More than 500 Kendal at Ithaca residents and staff have now received shots of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. Over five and half hours on Jan. 25, hundreds of residents and staff received either a first or second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. That day’s clinic included all independent living residents and those living in the skilled nursing neighborhoods.
“Because of the decision of so many to be vaccinated, Kendal at Ithaca achieved just shy of 80% of staff vaccinated, 100% of independent residents and 98% of skilled nursing residents,” Laurie Mante, Kendal at Ithaca’s Executive Director remarked at the end of the day. “This puts us on solid footing toward herd immunity and puts us far ahead of most aging service providers.”
On Feb. 15, second doses will be given to those who need it. Staff inoculations intentionally are staggered to avoid any large-scale absences in case any experienced significant side effects.
CVS pharmacists returned Jan. 31 to vaccinate the community’s 27 enhanced assisted living residents. They will get their second vaccine doses Feb. 21. At that point, everyone who choose to be vaccinated will have received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine.
“With roughly 80% of staff and effectively 100% of residents vaccinated, plans are underway to begin a gradual reopening of the community,” says Betsy Schermerhorn, Admissions/Marketing Director. “Dining Services is exploring in-person dining, with restrictions, of course, and some expanded offerings. The Fitness Center can now welcome four persons at once and the aerobics room three. The pool remains open with the same guidance and the sound of pickleballs being whacked is wafting down the corridor outside the auditorium.”
About Kendal at Ithaca
Located on a 105-acre site in the Village of Cayuga Heights in the town of Ithaca, shopping, medical care and an airport are within one mile. The outdoor spaces include many venues for walking and hiking, gardens, off-leash play in a dog park and enjoying natural habitats. Kendal at Ithaca offers a variety of residences, in one-story cottage clusters connected by paved footpaths and in two apartment buildings that are connected to the community center. The community center houses the dining rooms, library, activity and meeting spaces, the pool and fitness areas, and the health center.
About Kendal
Kendal at Ithaca is part of the Kendal System, which is an affiliation of independent senior living organizations connected by a set of common values and operated in accordance with Quaker principles.