December 4, 2020
Quakers have always run meetings in a way that encourages listening to everyone because the truth may come from anyone. What should you expect when you are at a consensus-based meeting as a board or committee member, or in another participant role?
Click the image below to hear David Jones and Jane Mack explain how you can contribute to the discussion and the eventual decision of the whole. The entire series is available here.
- Describe your experiences with a consensus approach to decision-making, even in a group that technically was voting.
- Have you seen instances where there was not role clarity, and some who were invited to offer input misinterpreted what they were supposed to be doing? i.e., were upset when their opinions and perspectives were different from the group’s decision about the way forward?
- Comment on the ideas of honoring wisdom of all in the group, listening, and inward reflection.
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