Kendal Charitable Funds

Kendal Charitable Funds was incorporated in 1989 as a 501(c)(3) to support the charitable goals and aspirations of the Kendal Corporation, its system of affiliates and the wider world of aging services.

A Culture of Generosity

Those involved in the beginning set the tone of generosity. The Kendal System and Kendal Charitable Funds (KCF) has always kept Kendal’s mission uppermost in our minds: together transforming the experience of aging.” At the heart of that work, you’ll find KCF providing funding for meaningful initiatives both within the Kendal System and beyond.

Kendal Charitable Funds is led through outstanding service by uncompensated Board of Directors.

Your Donations at Work

Your gift to KCF provides valuable resources to support Promising Innovations and Kendal Affiliate Grants – as well as support for our Kendal People Development programs.

17,000raising hands icon
Number of People Supported by over $500K in Grants

Our History

The Seed

Kendal began in the late 1960s with a gift and a charge. The gift was a $300,000 grant provided by the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends to a group of retirees living in Southeast Pennsylvania. The charge was to “find a better way in retirement.” The result was the founding of Kendal at Longwood, a Continuing Care Retirement Community.

sketch of farmhouse


The Kendal Fund (now Kendal Charitable Funds) was incorporated in 1989 as a 501(c)(3) to support the charitable goals and aspirations of the Kendal Corporation, its system of affiliates and the wider world of aging services.

building with Kendal logo


Kendal Charitable Funds approved the creation of the Lloyd Lewis – Promising Innovation Fund to support advances in serving older adults.

Grant Donors


Kendal Charitable Funds launched its first campaign in support of the Lloyd Lewis – Promising Innovations fund.



The first Kendal Charitable Funds – Promising Innovations Grant awarded to the University of South Florida in support of the development of an Alzheimer’s screening tool for low-income communities.

USF Byrd Institute building


Kendal Charitable Funds approved the creation of the People Development Fund in recognition of the retiring CEO/President John Diffey. The program has gone on to support numerous training programs as well as the Leadership Fellows Program that provides professional and personal development training to staff within the Kendal system since 2013.



Kendal Charitable Funds launches Impacting Lives…Engaging Communities.

group of volunteers

KCF Annual Corporate Partners